How to object

We encourage everyone to send in their own, individual objection. Although the formal consultation period has ended, the Council Leader has confirmed that “representations can be made on any application up to the point of determination”. It is no longer possible to make a comment on the Council’s portal, but you can send an email or write a letter in the usual way, and your objection will be included in the information considered by planning officers and members of the Planning Committee.

Click here to download an example objection letter in word to get you started

Just follow this link and choose “Make a comment” in the comments tab. Note that you will have to register your own login on the web site before you can submit your comment.

Send an email to developmentcontrol [at] cardiff [dot] gov [dot] uk. Make sure you quote the planning reference number 20/00187/MJR.

Write to:
Chris Ellis
Strategic Planning
County Hall
Cardiff CF10 4UW

Remember to quote reference 20/00187/MJR.

And write to your elected representatives
Please also consider writing to your elected representatives to make sure they know the strength of local feeling against this development. You have two local councillors, five Welsh Assembly Members and one Westminster Member of Parliament. If you live locally, you can write to them or send them an email and ask them to vigorously oppose this development. You can find contact details for all of them here.

8 Replies to “How to object”

  1. I strongly object to the destroy the woodland. It’s a lovely area for people to use during this difficult time. We don’t need more housing!

    1. Thank you for voicing your suppport. We will be opening a new petition on this site in response to the revised plans on 28th February. Please also send in a personal objection to the council, as your objection here won’t be recognised by council officers as an official objection unless it is sent to them.

  2. June Campbell-Davies
    I strongly object to the distruction of the woodland area, Its important to have green space that serves all of Danescourt, and especially during the pandemic the footfall has been epic. people of all ages frequent it, cutting down on car pollution, we have a woodland on our door step and for walkers further afield. One didn’t have to travel to Pontcanna fields. New Housing is already in action for Plasdwr Housing Estate. Please Save Our Woods.

    1. I completely agree – thank you for your support. We are not allowed to pass on your comment as an objection to the Council, so please do submit an individual objection on the Council’s planning portal (follow the link in the Online section of this page).

  3. Dear Sirs.

    i object to the amended development proposal.

    The reduction of dwellings will result in little change to the impact to the green belt land and the destruction of valued, important and woodland space which is frequented by residents and communities of Cardiff.

    Global pandemic has only served to increase the usage of the woods, individuals, families and all other persons now use this area as means for there daily/weekly exercises to ensure their physical and mental health is as well as it could be and in turn highlights the need to refuse the application.

    I would also like to take the opportunity to object on the grounds that granting this application would directly contravene. the LDP for Cardiff. Policies EN4, EN5,EN6 and EN8 are the ones i refer to.

    Furthermore the development would absolutely put homes and residents safety and well being at risk as the close proximity the the Taff Trail will only enhance the inevitable flood risk.

    The last 12 months have seen rising river levels become more frequent and the paths and roads that lead to the area have been completely submerged.

    Another point that must be considered is the actual need for the development of another 36 dwellings in the first place. The argument that Cardiff must be proving enough housing for the future id a fair one. HOWEVER, isn’t the 7000 plus houses and huge developments less then half a mile from Radyr woods enough??

    This proposal isn’t about for filling the need to provide new housing . it is simply about the business of making money.

    The access to the new development will be inappropriate as well from De Braose close. IN FACT, the last property on the street by the entrance to the woods has recently built an structure right by the road side which would prevent the road from being widened to deal with the huge amount of increased traffic from estimated 180 approx new residents.

    Safety of pedestrians would naturally be a risk for all the residents of the close and all the adjoining roads that will have an increase of vehicles travelling from Danescourt way.

    From an environmental perspective this will led to a huge irreversible impact for the wildlife creatures that inhabit the area .
    I’m sure more knowledgeable persons that i will provide examples that must be considered and not dismissed as part of the review process and decision making.

    I will finish by urging the deciding parties in this matter to review in detail the previous reasoning/grounds that the applications for development for woods have been rightly refused.

    The simple fact is that there are many of reasons for not granting permission previously still and will continue to remain.

    many thanks.

    1. Hello Chris,
      Many thanks for your support – you make some excellent points here. I’m afraid we are not able to register your objection with the Council, as this has to come directly from each objector. If you haven’t already done so, please submit your comments directly on the Council’s planning portal by following the link at the top of this page under the “Online” heading.
      Thank you,

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