
The Council’s offices and members of the Planning Committee can only turn down the application on the basis that it breaches existing Council and government policies, strategies and guidance. Your objection must therefore be clear and concise, and must be specific in highlighting which policies, strategies and guidance will be breached if this development were to go ahead. You can find some useful general guidance on writing objections here. Note that objecting about the impact of the construction of the development is unlikely to carry any weight. Focus your objection on the world as it will be if the housing estate has been built.

This newsletter provides some further guidance. It will be distributed across Danescourt next week. The objection letter sent by the Danescourt Community Association (DCA) offers a good example, click here to see it.

You may want to include photographs to illustrate your points, like the DCA letter. You are welcome to use any of the photographs available in the Gallery for this purpose. Many thanks to the various photographers who have all given permission for their pictures to be used in this way.

The remainder of this page considers each of the areas which might be among your concerns, and could form the basis for your objection:

Government Policy /PPW/TANs/circulars/DM manual

Local development plan / SPG – supplementary planning guidance

Overlooking/loss of privacy/ loss of light or overshadowing

Traffic, Parking, and highway safety

Layout and density of building

Design, quality, appearance, access and materials

Climate change and sustainability

Noise and Air quality

Nature conservation and ecology

Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)

Click here to see a comprehensive list of adopted Cardiff Local Development Plan policies.

2 Replies to “Guidance”

  1. Having lived in Danescourt for ten years, I have found the woods and meadow to be a beautiful place to go when everyday life becomes overwhelming. It is a beautiful green space that has become a vital lifeline during these troubled times. A walk in the woods has been a daily part our my family’s routine of late and we have come to love seeing it change through the seasons. During the spring it is filled with the sound of song birds and the sound of woodpeckers preparing their roosts and looking for grubs and insects. In summer beautiful wildflowers appear under the green canopy of various trees. Towards the end of summer blackberries are gathered to make sweet tasting desserts. Autumn brings the changing of the leaves and adds another dimension to the woods. Winter morning walks brings light relief to the shortening of the days. Danescourt residents have found the woodland and meadow essential to their mental and physical wellbeing during these uncertain times. Children have become familiar with the area and have through this experience learnt to love and appreciate nature.

    Danescourt woods has environmental benefits as flooding is an issue on the Taff corridor and Riversdale estate suffers rising water levels.

    I understand the need for more affordable housing but why here? There are 7,000 houses being built only a mile away, why can’t some of those be allocated as affordable homes.

    Losing this beautiful area will have a detrimental effect on the residents of Danescourt. Please reconsider, as I cannot express how devastating this would be to my family and myself.

  2. Thank you Catherine. I too love making the same walk regularly past the meadows and into the woods, noticing the small changes from week to week. And it is really only this lovely because it is completely traffic free. We can’t pass on your objection to the Council, as they will only accept direct communication from citizens, so please do submit an objection on the Council’s planning portal. You can do that here:

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