Cardiff Council is preparing a new Local Development Plan (LDP) to replace the existing LDP. This is the guide used by the Council to inform planning decisions. The current one highlights the social and environmental importance of Cardiff’s River Corridors and vows to “protect, promote and enhance” them. A map defines the boundaries, and all the land that is subject to the current application to build 36 flats and houses between Danescourt and the River Taff is designated as River Corridor in the current plan. This is our strongest defence against development on this land.
It is vital for us that the map is not re-drawn to exclude Danescourt Woods from the River Corridor in the new LDP. The developers who have a current application to build on this land have taken advantage of the Council’s consultation regarding the replacement plan and proposed the woods and meadow as a candidate site to be designated for residential development, removing it from the protected River Corridor. If this proposal is accepted, housing development across the whole area will be inevitable.
The Council is inviting comments on this proposal to be submitted before 5th October 2023.

Click on the picture above to go directly to the page where you can submit your comments on this proposal.