Sign the petition!

Please sign the petition if you want to help stop this development. You can sign it online here, or if you prefer a traditional signature on paper, then it is available for signature at the Danescourt Post Office. But please only sign the petition once, either online or on paper (not both). If you have lots of friends and neighbours who also want to sign the petition, you can instead download a copy of the petition here, and collect as many signatures as possible, and then hand in completed pages to Tracy at Danescourt Post Office or to Simon Field at Hillside, Radyr Court Road (first cottage at the bottom of Spooky Lane).

Petition news

We have received advice that it would be premature to launch a petition against the proposed development before the planning application has been formally submitted to Cardiff Council.

Rest assured that as soon as the planning application has been submitted and given a formal reference, a petition will be made widely available, both on paper, and for online signatures, on this web site.