Send in your objection now

We have until the 4th March to submit our objections to the Council. Whilst we believe this deadline will be extended, we’re asking everyone who doesn’t want this development to go ahead to send in their own objection, before this date if possible. You can submit an objection by email, post or on the council’s planning portal. Click here for details of how to do this, and for more guidance see this page and its associated links. We will continue to update these pages with more details in the coming days so if you have suggestions, please let us know, or add your comments to these pages.

Public Meeting – this Saturday at 10am

Cllr. Philippa Hill-John and a local Working Group have organised a public meeting this Saturday, 22nd February, at 10.00am in St. John’s Church Hall in Danescourt. This is an opportunity to learn more about how to oppose the development of 45 dwellings on woodland and open land at the end of De Braose Close and to discuss your concerns with your elected representatives and other local activists.

Sign the petition!

Please sign the petition if you want to help stop this development. You can sign it online here, or if you prefer a traditional signature on paper, then it is available for signature at the Danescourt Post Office. But please only sign the petition once, either online or on paper (not both). If you have lots of friends and neighbours who also want to sign the petition, you can instead download a copy of the petition here, and collect as many signatures as possible, and then hand in completed pages to Tracy at Danescourt Post Office or to Simon Field at Hillside, Radyr Court Road (first cottage at the bottom of Spooky Lane).

Planning Application submitted

The developers have now submitted their planning application, details of which have been posted on the Council’s web site here. We’re in the process of preparing a petition against this development, which will be available for online signature on this web site, and circulating locally on paper. Details of how best to register your objection, and some guidance on how to do this, will be posted here soon. There is a lot of local opposition to this development, which proposes to destroy highly valued local woodland and open space. Two previous attempts to develop on this land have failed to gain planning permission and the case against development is now stronger than before.