Planning decisions suspended

We have received the following from our councillors:

The Planning Department will not be registering or issuing decisions on any current applications until further notice.

If an exceptional or emergency issue does arise, the department still has the resources to process an application, if necessary authority is given to do so.

Officers will continue to progress the 500 current applications which are in the system, as best as possible.

We will update you once this situation changes, but in the meantime please keep safe and well.

Planning Committee cancellations

There is no news of when the planning application will be considered by the Planning Committee. We have urged for there to be a site visit ahead of any Committee meeting so that all members can see for themselves the woodland and open countryside that would be destroyed should they approve the development. Such a collective visit is no longer possible in the current circumstances, and I’ve received the following notice from Cardiff Council about forthcoming meetings of the Committee:

The next meeting of Planning Committee of 22nd April is cancelled with the likelihood of further cancellations. Interim measures are currently being explored and should there be formal approval of any new interim arrangements, details will be communicated. 

As soon as I hear of any alternative arrangements that might apply to this application, I will post details here. In the meantime, I have provided a copy of the petition by email to the Planning Officer, reserving the right to address the Committee which is afforded by the presentation of a petition with more than 50 local signatures.

Petition has more than 1,000 signatures!

We’ve now closed the petition in preparation to sending it to Cardiff Council to be included among the objections. I’m delighted to report that we had a combined total of 1,056 signatures, with 875 signing the online petition and 181 signatures on paper copies of the petition. Many thanks to all our supporters who have signed. There is still time to send in an individual objection. Please do so if you haven’t yet. Details of how to do this by post, email or online can be found here.

If ever we needed a reminder of the value of an open space near our homes where we can take a walk, breathe fresh air and be safe, it is now. Keep safe and take care.

Objections pour in

Many thanks to everyone who has helped to distribute leaflets, and to those who have submitted objections. There are now over 130 individual objections on the Council’s portal, including ones from Kevin Brennan MP, Mark Drakeford AM, Cllr. Rod McKerlish, Cardiff Civic Society, The Llandaff Society, Ramblers Cymri Cardiff Group, Radyr and Morganstown Community Council, Danescourt Community Association and many, many local residents. The petition now stands at over 850 signatures. There is still time to submit your objection or sign the petition if you haven’t yet done so. Click here for details of how to submit your objection, and here to sign the online petition. Or head over to Danescourt Post Office if you’d prefer to sign it on paper. The deadline has been extended to mid-March, so keep the objections flowing in.

Cardiff Civic Society joins the growing list of objectors

There are already over 40 objections published on the planning portal in the comments and documents tabs, no doubt with more in the pipeline. Among them is a strong objection from Cardiff Civic Society. We thank them for their support, and encourage everyone to submit an individual objection. See here for details of how to do this. The deadline has been extended to 19th March, twenty one days following the publication of the public notice announcing the planning application in the Western Mail.