Cardiff Council refuses planning permission

Cardiff Council has now formally refused planning permission for the development of 36 dwellings on land at De Braose Close. The planning officers presented a revised report that contained clear reasons why the application should be refused, and the Planning Committee voted unanimously to refuse the application. The decision notice was issued on the same day (11th January 2024). The applicant has a six month window in which to submit an appeal against this decision.

You can view the decision notice here.

In the meantime, there remains the proposal to designate the site for housing development in the forthcoming revised local development plan (RLDP). Consultation on this, and other proposals, is now closed, but many objections were submitted, including a strong objection from both Kevin Brennan MP and Mark Drakeford MS. You can read more about this here. As the site has now been subject to 3 planning applications, each of which has failed, we are very hopeful that the RLDP will retain the site within the River Taff Corridor, especially as the latest Council decision emphasises that this land is designated Open Space, and development on it cannot be justified.

We will report the RLDP decision here as soon as we are aware of it.

Planning Committee Meeting on 11th January

Simon Gilbert, Head of Planning at Cardiff Council, has confirmed that the planning application will be reported back to the Planning Committee at their meeting on 11th January 2024. The meeting takes place at 10.30am in room CR4 at County Hall. It is a “Multi Location Meeting”, and so will also be available to view online.