Send your initial objection by 20th July

PMG 3 Limited have given notice that they intend to apply for planning permission to develop 40 houses on land at De Braose Close.  This planning application has not yet been submitted.  Prior to this, the developers are obliged to seek feedback from the local community.  The deadline for this feedback is 20th July.

We recommend that if you oppose this development you submit an email or letter making it clear that you object to the proposal, and giving a summary of your reasons.  This will just be summarised by the developer when they submit their planning application.

Once that happens, you should submit a much more detailed objection directly to Cardiff Council.  And at that time there will also be a petition which we hope you will sign.  Watch this space for more details in due course.

In the meantime, please send your short objection to Mr Andrew Crompton, Development Director at PMG Limited.  You can email this to him directly at andrewcrompton [at] pmg-plc [dot] com or write to him at Unit 2a, Oak Tree Court, Mulberry Drive, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff CF23 8RS.

4 Replies to “Send your initial objection by 20th July”

  1. I wish to register my objections for any development work on land from De Broase Close Danescourt.This would curtail / prevent my enjoyment when walking for exercise and dog walking – not to forget the cyclists and children who use this nature reserve area.

    1. Thanks for your support. Please do send an email directly to PMG (click on the email link in the post above) today. Your objection will not be accepted by them if we forward it to them – each person needs to make an individual representation directly to them.
      Even more important will be the submission to the council of objections once a formal planning application has been made (which is not yet the case). There will be detailed guidance on how to do this when the time comes.

  2. I wish to register my objections for any development work on land from De Broase Close Danescourt. This would curtail /prevent my enjoyment when walking for exercise and dog walking- not to forget all the cyclists and children who use this nature reserve area.

    1. Thanks for your support. Please see my earlier comment – you do need to respond directly to PMG if you want your objections recorded among the comments they’ve received during their ‘consultation’. And that needs to go to them today.

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