Planning Committee cancellations

There is no news of when the planning application will be considered by the Planning Committee. We have urged for there to be a site visit ahead of any Committee meeting so that all members can see for themselves the woodland and open countryside that would be destroyed should they approve the development. Such a collective visit is no longer possible in the current circumstances, and I’ve received the following notice from Cardiff Council about forthcoming meetings of the Committee:

The next meeting of Planning Committee of 22nd April is cancelled with the likelihood of further cancellations. Interim measures are currently being explored and should there be formal approval of any new interim arrangements, details will be communicated. 

As soon as I hear of any alternative arrangements that might apply to this application, I will post details here. In the meantime, I have provided a copy of the petition by email to the Planning Officer, reserving the right to address the Committee which is afforded by the presentation of a petition with more than 50 local signatures.

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