Cardiff’s Rights of Way Improvement Plan

Cardiff Council is conducting a survey regarding a new Rights of Way Improvement Plan, and is inviting comments via a survey.  Anyone who uses local footpaths and rights of way is invited to participate, so we would welcome a good representation of local users of the land that is under threat.  Whilst your comments do not relate directly to any planning application, it is an opportunity for us to let the council know that we cherish our open spaces in this neighbourhood, and our rights to enjoy woodlands and open countryside near our homes.

You can access the survey here, and there is an opportunity to leave comments, which you might use to reinforce our desire that the council sticks to its commitment of keeping the river corridors free of development, and open for the enjoyment of all.  The survey is open until 31st August.

Can you help us?

Do you know about this site?  Perhaps you have lived here a long time, and can remember, for example, the commitments that were made to preserve open spaces at the time the Danescourt houses were constructed.  Or do you have some insights into past uses of this land?

Or can you help with some expertise?  The site is filled with bats, feeding or on their way to their favourite feeding grounds.  Do you have expert knowledge of bats, or know someone who does?  Or do you have expert knowledge of trees?  The development will destroy many mature trees.  

If you can contribute some expertise, or know someone who can, please do contact us.

The land under threat

The proposed development will occupy a stretch of land that has been designated for protection by the Cardiff Local Development Plan as part of the River Taff Corridor.  It runs from De Braose Close to Radyr Court Road, and would destroy the woodland that neighbours the protected ancient woodland of Radyr Woods between Danescourt and the railway, and the two fields where horses used to graze (before the present owners removed the tenants and allowed the land to become overgrown).  It is marked out in red in this extract from the developer’s own landscape visual assessment document: